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Social Media Strategies: The Changing Role of Content Strategist The Fantabulous Lists of Social Media Case Studies Social Media Strategies: Is Social Media Adoption The New Quality Standard Of Successful Company?
Social Media Strategies: The Changing Role of Content Strategist

Social Media Strategies: The Changing Role of Content Strategist

Welcome to my new series of posts “Social Media Strategies” where I will try to clear up some taboos about social media strategies, tools and other buzz words of our social life which sometimes unnecessary confuse us in this industry. Today I will discuss the content strategy and the changing role of content strategist. Content […]

Social Media Strategies: The Changing Role of Content Strategist
The Fantabulous Lists of Social Media Case Studies

The Fantabulous Lists of Social Media Case Studies

  I’ve been browsing through the lists of top social media case studies and I thought I am going to share  some of the top sites with you: Casestudiesonline.com by Tod Maffin A List of Social Media Marketing Examples by (http://www.beingpeterkim.com) Social media case studies by  (http://theparallaxview.com/) Social Brand Index by (http://www.socialbrandindex.com) WOMMA’s Case Study […]

The Fantabulous Lists of Social Media Case Studies
Social Media Strategies: Is Social Media Adoption The New Quality Standard Of Successful Company?

Social Media Strategies: Is Social Media Adoption The New Quality Standard Of Successful Company?

Social media is maturing. As many companies have successfully integrated social media in their communication/business strategies and as many more are planning to do so in very near future, it is no longer perceived as the risky investment but more as a necessity in order to keep a competitive edge in the market and maintain […]

Social Media Strategies: Is Social Media Adoption The New Quality Standard Of Successful Company?

The future of Online Video

[youtube 1CKyoJNqq34] Was watching  Paul Sagan (Akamai, CEO) comments about the future of on-line video  and couldn’t agree more that online video still haven’t reached its highs, but it is nearly there. All these video services on the net like  YouTube, iPlayer  and others are redefining our habits, but in my opinion there is more […]

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Mad Avenue Blues – The day “Old Media” died

[youtube 6CqRcCHk_Pc] No serious posts on Fridays !!! 🙂 Just found this super funny video about changing media on one of the friends wall’s and couldn’t not to share it with you. What do think ?  I bet by next friday it will have over 1 00 000 clicks, wanna bet? 🙂

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Interview with Social Media Citizen: Mary McKnight

Mary McKnight is the Consumer Marketing Director at Where.com, one of the leading location based applications which helps three million users to discover the world around them. She is also an editor of Sacrilicious Marketing, the blog which has a bit different approach to social media. You can follow Mary on Twiter or  Facebook Fan […]

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“Social Media Citizens” is under construction

Well the new year is coming along with the new face for Social Media Citizens. If you are reading this blog don’t mind a few changes which will take affect in a few forecoming weeks. thank you for your patience, Giedrius.

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Why augmented reality will change the world as we know it?

Augmented reality is clearly the buzz word of 2010. There were not too many bloggers who hadn’t identified augmented reality as a top subject in their trend lists of 2010 and there is a simple reason for it – it is (or will be) the world-changing trend. Consumer behavior I’ve been browsing through the case […]

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Challenging the old media business models (Part 1)

I was just reading this great post by Robin Carey , the co-founder of Social Media Today, about the maturity of social media and the challenges it faces on the way. One of the main challenges for the businesses is monetization of social media. I completely agree with the thought that “Information does want to […]

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Challenging the old media business models (Part 2)

Challenging the old media business models (Part 2)

As a follow up to the recent post “Challenging the Old Media Business Models”  I want to get a bit deeper into the analysis of media business (revenue) models. There are quite a few them which come in different classifications and structures, but i find organized by Paul Bradshaw most suitable to discuss the subject, […]

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5 Reasons why Facebook is better than Twitter

First of all, I just want to make it clear that I adore both of these two innovative social media properties. Even though, I’ve noticed that the past year was all about the Twitter. Actually, it’s quite crazy how much coverage it has received from social media citizens compare to its “big brother”. Therefore, just […]

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SES London 2010: Get ready – it is kicking off on Monday

SES London 2010: Get ready – it is kicking off on Monday

    It’s all good news for social media citizens, I finally received the confirmation from SES London that I’ve been granted with a permission to report from the event. SES London 2010 looks really promising this year – great keynotes, great speakers, its definitely the event that you can not miss if you want […]

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Interview with Social Media Citizen: Jo Porritt

Interview with Social Media Citizen: Jo Porritt

Jo Porritt is communications specialist whose career has spanned the evolution of marketing, from traditional – to digital – to social. She is the Managing Director of BrandGuardian , a social media agency based in UK which prides itself on education, engagement and forward thinking strategy that can be applied to any business sector; from […]

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