Posted on 27 February 2011. Tags: interview, Joost de Valk, seo, social media influencer, web development
Joost de Valk is Web Development and SEO expert whose clients list is ranging from large corporates, such as eBay, Conrad Electronic and, to smaller web based ventures. He has written over 20 plugins for WordPress which, combined, have had more than 3 million downloads. In 2010 Joost developed– a powerful browser tool that has been featured on hundreds of websites including Mashable, Lifehacker and Web Worker Daily. He is one of the hosts of the WordPress podcast, where he interviews luminaries of the industry and discusses ways for bloggers to improve their blogs. Recent guests have included Pete Cashmore of Mashable and Matt Cutts, head of web spam at Google. Joost regularly shares his knowledge and experience via his blog at You can follow Joost on Twitter, Facebook or Linkedin. Read the full story
Posted in Interviews, Top Interviews
Posted on 12 February 2010. Tags: sem, seo, ses, ses london, ses london 2010, The Search Engine Strategies Conference and Expo 2010

It’s all good news for social media citizens, I finally received the confirmation from SES London that I’ve been granted with a permission to report from the event. SES London 2010 looks really promising this year – great keynotes, great speakers, its definitely the event that you can not miss if you want to stay ahead your competition . Particularly I’ll be looking forward to attend Online Marketing Summit Day at SES London and these three keynotes:
With all the social media explosion in the UK this year it’s definitely going to be a lot of talks how to integrate these two marketing tools together (social media and search marketing). Well I hope I’ll see you there, but if you can’t make it you can follow the news updates on Twitter or Facebook:
@SESConf or #SESLondon
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