Archive | November 9th, 2010

Interview with Social Media Citizen: Darius Bagdziunas

darius_bagdziunaDarius Bagdziunas is a Co-founder and Director of Gaumina, one of the most awarded interactive agencies in Eastern Europe at the moment operating in UK, Ireland and Lithuania. Darius was involved in over 600 virtual projects and won over 100 awards while working at Gaumina. He has read 100+ lectures with topics related to digital media including University College LondonMindtrek, TEDxVilnius. Darius was a jury member of the Young Cannes Lions 2009, Europrix 2010, Golden Hammer 2009 and  Irish Web Awards 2009. You can follow Darius on Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter

G: How and why did you get into social media?

D: When I was a child I was dreaming of becoming a sort of magician who could create fun in people’s lives. The birth of the world wide web gave me a chance to enter a world of interactivity. In 1998 we started an interactive agency. Today some parts of my dream has been already fulfilled: we at Gaumina create mysterious journeys, adventures and virtual experiences.

G: What is it like to be a real Social Media Citizen?

D: I read more. I write more. I learn more all the time.

G: How do you plan your social media activities for the day?

D: Social media is an exciting mash-up of topics, formats, channels, people. In order to communicate my message I have to select proper ingredients in exact proportions. When I’m planning my daily social activities I often wish I had 3D Excel.

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