
Who is a Social Media Citizen?

“We are all citizens of the world of social media. Whether implicitly or explicitly, our mediated lives have changed and whether or not you are an active participant in social media channels, you are in fact, a participant.” – Adam Broitman

“A Social Media Citizen is an open minded individual looking to engage and collaborate across the digital sphere. They will give more than they take and always look to develop themselves and their relationships.” – Chris Hall

“A social media citizen is someone that goes beyond just understanding the technology and benefits. A social media citizen is someone that really understands how to give value to others and small talk as well as “getting” that social media is not a one night stand but a long term relationship.” – David Siteman Garland?

The shift in power from company to the consumer was analyzed by post modern marketing experts for years, but it has never been fully adopted until social media explosion. The transparency and sharing is absolute core of this process and it presents a great opportunity for businesses to be more open and to become a part of what they create: a part of people who work for them, a part of the partners who they work with and most importantly a part of the people who uses their products or services.

We hope we can better understand this changing relationship between these stakeholders by analyzing:

– influence
– behaviour
– tools
– strategies
– startups
– case studies.

Thanks for taking a moment to learn more about us!



        Alltop, confirmation that I kick ass       Social Media Informer
        Featured blogger at Social Media Today       Documents on Scribd

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