Archive | Case Studies & Reports

The Best Viral Ever: A hunter shoots a bear!

Well just wanted to share with you this viral from Tipp-Ex. It is the most engaging and fun viral video ever. I bet there’s going to be a lot of talks in the future about this campaign , so it’s here to follow it. I think we are watching the future of advertising  here – just love it!.

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5 Reasons why Facebook is better than Twitter

First of all, I just want to make it clear that I adore both of these two innovative social media properties. Even though, I’ve noticed that the past year was all about the Twitter. Actually, it’s quite crazy how much coverage it has received from social media citizens compare to its “big brother”. Therefore, just to make it fare I’ll try to identify 5 main reasons which makes Facebook superior social media platform over the Twitter.

The 5 Reasons:

Size. Does the size matter? Well it does in Social Media or in fact in any media. In terms of the audience and reach there is quite a big difference between Facebook’s 400 millions and Twitter’s 75 millions users. Moreover with the Twitter’s growth slowing down up to just 3.5 % a month it’s seems its going to be very difficult to catch up with the social networking behemoth. Read the full story

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Whitepaper: Social media marketing strategy

Note: Social Media Citizens collaborate with different blogs in Europe. The bloggers we collaborate with are also the co-founders and admins behind the Social Marketing Forum. This post is written by John from

This blog has been bringing news, tips and interviews regarding social media marketing, email marketing and the integration of both for three months now.

This weekend, after having a chat with some friends (thank you Tamara), I decided to focus more on hands-on advice.So I created a 14-page guide on how to develop a social media marketing strategy. It also contains an action sheet about social media marketing. In this first guide (so I hope there will be more) I look at some of the main strategic social media marketing considerations and provide you a list of questions to ask yourself before implementing a social media strategy or to improve your existing strategy.

I cover topics such as key success factors, creating value and relationships, the role of social media, the importance of listening, letting go of your brand, social media hubs and what I call ‘conversation rooms’. The guide also sums up some strategic considerations regarding social media marketing.

I hope it helps many of you to look at social media marketing from a no-nonsense perspective and hope to provide follow-up guides that elaborate further on some topics. Now, what do you have to do to get this paper? Simple: I offer it as a gift to all the people that have signed up and hopefully will sign up to my newsletter. And I promise the newsletter will contain valuable tips too!

If you want to see a preview of the newsletter, click here and for more whitepapers, check out this little library.

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Generation Y says “Yes” to the Convergence of Email and Social Media

Due to the growth of social networking and micro-blogging sites the survival of e-mail marketing has been questioned for quite a few times in the past year.The recent researches by eMarketer and StrongMail once again prove that there is nothing to be afraid for e-mail marketers.

The reports also provide some interesting insights about Millennials and how they adapt to the changing media environment and their relationship with social media and e-mail marketing.

Marketers sometimes wrongly assume that the new generation is just all about new technologies, tools and channels when targeting digital natives. As you can see from the table below, Generation Y is not that different from others, but due to the natural multitasking skill they just embrace more means of communications than the generations before.

Source: eMarketer

It actually reminds me about this great talk by the youngest TED speaker Adora Svitak who suggests that every new generation always has to do more in order to keep the progress in pace.

Another table from this report related to Millennials is a bit ambiguous. There are too possible assumptions:

  • Just 35 % of Millennials use e-mail to share info about the brands.
  • Just 15 % of Generation X use social networking to share info about the brands.

Source: eMarketer

I would stick with the second one (37 % vs. 15 % ) which actually confirms the earlier proposition about Millennials and rises a new issue –  possibly the bigger problem is not the “Generation Y” rejecting the old media channels, but the “Generation X”  not willing to adapt to the new ones.

Therefore, marketers have to think how to make new platforms more accessible for both generations and provide a greater experience by merging them together.

According to the StrongMail’s blog post, with the recent announcements from top social brands who are already doing it (Google Buzz) or are set to do it (Facebook e-mail service) creating an integrated social media and e-mail marketing strategy gains even greater importance.

eMarketer came up with brilliant tips how to maximize the connection between social media and e-mail:

  1. Multiply the sharing opportunities.
  2. Provide a broader platform for advocates.
  3. Shift the control to your consumers.
  4. Use e-mail metrics to enhance social ROI.

So keeping in mind the Millennials, I would add one more bullet point to this list:

  • Provide the right form of the content.

Before finishing the post I just accidently stumbled upon this video by iJustine, where hundreds of teenagers go crazy at a Justin Bieber concert, screaming and filming themselves all along. It can be noticed, that not only the distribution channel but the nature of the content is vital for Millennials and in the future it’s clearly all about video.

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World’s Greatest Salesperson contest by Ogilvy

Just what a brilliant example of the major advertising brand Ogilvy using social media for it’s brand awareness, the style reminds me a bit Microsoft ad about the consumer and advertiser relationship though. It’s really interesting how the campaign will develop and how many people will submit the videos, but it’s definitely one to follow. Here is more info about the campaign: 

Ogilvy channel on YouTube –

The Brief for the contest –

The Rules of the contest  –

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The Fantabulous Lists of Social Media Case Studies


I’ve been browsing through the lists of top social media case studies and I thought I am going to share  some of the top sites with you: by Tod Maffin

A List of Social Media Marketing Examples by (

Social media case studies by  (

Social Brand Index by (

WOMMA’s Case Study Library by (

The Association Social Media Wiki’s List by (

Blog Well Case Studies by (

Fortune 500 Business Blogging Wiki by (John Cass)

300+ Cases & Examples of Social Media Marketing by (

30 SEO, Social Media & Marketing Case Studies that Prove the ROI of it All by (

110 Ways Retailers are Using Social Media Marketing by (

A Collection of 50+ Enterprise 2.0 Case Studies and Examples by (

Case Study Crunch by Red Cube Marketing by (

26 Social Media Marketing Examples by (

35+ Examples of Corporate Social Media in Action by (

The Big Money Facebook 50 by  (

5 fantastic digital branding campaigns from 2009 by (

India Social – Case Studies by  (

I will update this post from time to time so if you have any other relevant links to add to this list, just post them as a comment. Thanks!

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Social Media Adoption by Top 10 Media Agencies

The world of social media is maturing. People have adopted the new means of communication, companies are experimenting with the new business tools, but how the heart of the media industry is adopting to a new social landscape? Well it is quite strange, but not so well. I will try briefly to overview what I found in my research analysing social media adoption in 10 Top Media Agencies and some of the best practises.


Full document on Scribd

Sources: Campaign “Top 50 Media agencies” + Netprospex “Top 50 Brands in Social Media”

The key points from research: Read the full story

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Why is Grandma Using Facebook and Uncle Joe Using Twitter? 10 Social Media Statistics That May Surprise You

The social media landscape is changing at a rapid rate.  The reason?  More people are joining the “social media game” everyday….some who you wouldn’t even expect!

Recently I was looking at some very interesting statistics reported by which illustrated some very interesting trends.  I thought I would share them with you as they may just change the way you think about sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

Here are the top 10 social media statistics that just might surprise you:

3 out of 5 Facebook users access the site more than once per day AND the younger the user, the more they log on.

Men are more likely to use Twitter or YouTube.

Woman are more likely to go on Facebook multiple times per day.

Some of the most staggering growth has been in in the 55 plus market.  Over 40% of 55+ social networkers have been registered on the sites for less than two years!

Even more interesting? 28% of Facebook users are over 55.

Men and youngsters are more likely to be influenced by what they read on social media and are more likely to engage by commenting and interacting.

Of the market of 18-24 year olds, 62% interact through comments and such.

Of the market of 55+ users, only 32% interact through comments and such.

On social media sites, men tend to be draw to topics such as sports, newspapers, radio, financial services and music.

When it comes to the interest of women on social media, they flock to fashion, beauty, food and drink.

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the differences in how men and women engage on social media:

Music: Women 12.3% – Men: 17.6%
Sports: Women 5.4% – Men 15.5%
TV: Women 10.5% – Men 12.6%
Newspapers: Woman 4.3% – Men 8.8%
Food/Drink: Woman 7.0 – Men 8.3%
Travel: Women 6.9% – Men 8.3%
Fashion: Woman 2.9% – Men 7.8%

These statics show that as our social media community grows, we can see definite trends in usage that illustrate there are many opportunities to promote your business online.  The days of Facebook being only used by college students is well and truly behind us and we are now in the days when grandma is using Facebook and grandpa is on Twitter.

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Crazy Virals: Go the F**k to Sleep – read by Samuel L. Jackson (Video)



It’s almost Friday and I’ m already switching into “silly and unserious mode” so just wanted to share this crazy viral video with you before going to sleepSmile A great effort by Samuel L. Jackson to promote his personal brand and have some fun. What do you think about this?


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