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Social Media Strategies: The Changing Role of Content Strategist The Fantabulous Lists of Social Media Case Studies Social Media Strategies: Is Social Media Adoption The New Quality Standard Of Successful Company?
Social Media Strategies: The Changing Role of Content Strategist

Social Media Strategies: The Changing Role of Content Strategist

Welcome to my new series of posts “Social Media Strategies” where I will try to clear up some taboos about social media strategies, tools and other buzz words of our social life which sometimes unnecessary confuse us in this industry. Today I will discuss the content strategy and the changing role of content strategist. Content […]

Social Media Strategies: The Changing Role of Content Strategist
The Fantabulous Lists of Social Media Case Studies

The Fantabulous Lists of Social Media Case Studies

  I’ve been browsing through the lists of top social media case studies and I thought I am going to share  some of the top sites with you: Casestudiesonline.com by Tod Maffin A List of Social Media Marketing Examples by (http://www.beingpeterkim.com) Social media case studies by  (http://theparallaxview.com/) Social Brand Index by (http://www.socialbrandindex.com) WOMMA’s Case Study […]

The Fantabulous Lists of Social Media Case Studies
Social Media Strategies: Is Social Media Adoption The New Quality Standard Of Successful Company?

Social Media Strategies: Is Social Media Adoption The New Quality Standard Of Successful Company?

Social media is maturing. As many companies have successfully integrated social media in their communication/business strategies and as many more are planning to do so in very near future, it is no longer perceived as the risky investment but more as a necessity in order to keep a competitive edge in the market and maintain […]

Social Media Strategies: Is Social Media Adoption The New Quality Standard Of Successful Company?
Brand influence vs  Consumer influence – Who will win the fight?

Brand influence vs Consumer influence – Who will win the fight?

The power of the consumers in social media can be deceiving. According to Taylor Ellwood’s recent post, only consumers with the large lists of followers can be actually influential. It is realy straight forward and natural assumption, but it presents quite and interesting opportunity for the brands working in social media. Why? Brands and people […]

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TFM&A starts tomorrow

TFM&A starts tomorrow

Just a quick reminder for everyone about what’s happening in the marketing world in London. Well it’s the week of Technology For Marketing & Advertising – the event you simply can not miss if you work in Marketing or Advertising. If you can not attend but you still want to follow the event live, you […]

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TOP 15 Augmented Reality Blogs

I’ve just created a new tab in my RSS reader solely dedicated to Augmented Reality. I will share with you the blogs which are invaluable for people interested in AR and its affects on Social Media Citizens.Here we go: http://www.augmentedplanet.com/  http://gamesalfresco.com/ http://arnewsroom.com/frontpage http://www.augmented.org/blog/ http://thomaskcarpenter.com/ http://www.augmentreality.co.uk/blog/ http://laboratory4.com/ http://thomaskcarpenter.com/ http://artimes.rouli.net/ http://richardleyland.com/ http://www.augmentedenvironments.org/blair/ http://www.virtualworldsnews.com/ http://www.personalizemedia.com/ http://maverix.typepad.com/brandingunbound/ http://www.mediapost.com/publications/ By […]

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Extremely funny social media roundup by Marcus Brown

I  just have to share this with you. This video by Marcus Brown is just a brilliant reminder what social media is all about – being honest (transparent), having fun and knowing how to surprise or engage your community! So what are your thoughts about social media?:)   Some thoughts on social media from Marcus […]

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Social Media World Forum

Social Media World Forum

  Are you ready? Here it comes! One of the biggest Social Media event’s in Europe – Social Media Word Forum is knocking on your door. The speakers from Facebook, Linkedin, Bebo, Xing to name just a few social media mega brands who are involved in the event. Well if you have anything to do […]

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Social Media Citizens teams up with Social Marketing Forum

Social Media Citizens teams up with Social Marketing Forum

I’m happy to share some great news for Social Media Citizens readers. We are teaming up with Social Marketing Forum and Social Email Marketing blog in order to bring more value for our communities. As a result, I am very happy to announce  that we going to have the guest bloggers from  Social Email Marketing […]

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What James Bond and Social Media Expert have in common?

So what James Bond and social media expert have in common? Well, apparently quite a lot. I’ve noticed this ad by MI6 (UK equivalent of CIA) on the train which said: "Knowing what intelligence to gather and who to target is at the heart of everything we do at MI6." I think this phrase should […]

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“Social email marketing” launches on Facebook

Note: This is the guest post from socialemailmarketing.eu This blog is all about the impact of social media on marketing in general and on email marketing, specifically. The Social Marketing Forum and its Facebook page are all about social media marketing, peer-to-peer advice, discussions and the sharing of insights. However, all “administrators” of the Social […]

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Do you check weekly reports from your Facebook Fan Page?

Note: Social Media Citizens collaborate with different blogs in Europe. The bloggers we collaborate with are also the co-founders and admins behind the Social Marketing Forum. This post is written by Jonas Klit Nielsen from the Mindjumpers blog. During last night (European time) a bunch of emails started ticking in from Facebook. The headline reads: […]

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How to serve the sale through social media (Part 1)

How to serve the sale through social media (Part 1)

  Sales, sales, sales – there is only one final and ultimate goal for any business. Don’t get me wrong,  I understand that companies have to build relationships, develop brands and cherish their communities, but all that love for the consumer come with the price of the sale. Even though, these two words often don’t […]

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